Host your own Vision Board Party

From Oprah to your book club bestie, almost everybody has created a vision board at some point (and probably has one hanging in their home office–or laptop desktop–right now).

It makes sense: The process of creating a vision board–bursting with all the people, places, and things you desire most–is a heck of a lot of fun.

But the truth is vision boards are also a powerful tool for transformation and manifestation.

In fact, vision boards have been shown to help people gain razor-sharp clarity around what they truly want and manifest even their wildest dreams.

I get it, though. If you’re here, you probably know that already…

…but did you also know vision boards are also a potentially lucrative extra income stream for your business?

It’s true. And while hosting a vision board party with your friends over wine & a gorgeous charcuterie board on New Year’s Eve is fabulous–what if you could get paid to share the fabulous experience (and results) with others, too?

Whether you’ve thought about hosting your own paid vision board workshops but didn’t know where to start or just love vision boards (and the accompanying food, wine and connection) & wish you could find a way to work them into your business model, you’re in the right place.

Get a Simple Roadmap for Creating a Successful Vision Board Party You Can Run Year After Year!

Here’s the truth:

No matter how much you love vision boards (and how many you’ve crafted over the years), sitting down to actually plan a professional paid vision board party brings up a lot of questions:

  • Should you do an in-person party or go digital?
  • What do you need to provide? What should you expect guests to bring?
    (And who exactly are your guests going to be, anyway?)
  • How can you make sure you sell enough tickets to justify any upfront costs?
  • And why does something that’s supposed to be fun suddenly feel like so much work?

Eek. Before you know it, you can wind up with far more questions than answers. (And a whole lot of self-doubt.)

But hold up! 

Planning a vision board party doesn’t have to be super hard or complicated.

However, it does require careful planning and preparation.

At their core, vision board parties are about much more than slapping magazine photos on poster board…

…which means there’s more to a successful & empowering vision board party than rounding up some old Cosmo magazines, glue sticks & poster board (and snacks, of course).

Think about it. The most successful vision board parties provide people with a sacred gift: a safe space to dream big & embrace their ultimate desires. And that’s kind of a big deal!

But if you do it right, it can be a beautiful & life-changing experience for everyone involved.

Just imagine for a second if you could help your attendees…

  • Have incredible a-has about their true dreams & desires they’ve kept tucked away for years or never felt comfortable admitting out loud.
  • Finally, find the time & space to think about themselves for once (or for the first time)
  • Shed societal expectations and (literally) visualize their next level
  • Have exciting conversations & create new connections with like-minded friends

And then, imagine those same attendees emailing you months later about how your party helped them (finally) manifest their dream home, ditch their dreaded day job or start a family.

Oh, and imagine getting paid for it ALL–year after year–too.

It’s possible. You just need to know exactly how to market your party, who to market it to & exactly what to do, say, and serve at every party to ensure the whole experience is unforgettable & worth every penny.

Are you ready to learn exactly how to become the vision board party hostess with the mostest & help clients, friends & customers old and new create major shifts in their lives?

Then this is for you!

Don’t overcomplicate this fun & effective process! Instead, get the guidance you need to make your vision board party a success from the start.


How to Plan Your Own Paid Vision Board Party

When you purchase, you’ll receive a training and workbook that walks you step-by-step through how to plan for, prepare, lead, and profit from a paid vision board party.

You’ll learn how to…

  • Choose the right target market for your workshop & sell it out effortlessly (without paid ads!)
  • Create a safe, welcoming environment that empowers attendees to dream big
  • Keep costs low & make a profit–while still cultivating a fun & wildly memorable experience!
  • Decide where, when, and how to host your party (you’ve got options–and you’ll learn how to choose the right model for you)
  • Set attendees up for success before your workshops start–so they can realize their dreams faster & easier
  • Turn vision board parties into a recurring income stream that you happily host year after year–and attendees happily pay for!

Vision boards aren't just for December or January - they are for anytime you want them to be! 

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